Friday, February 15, 2013

Repost: You're out of the rankings, IIPM!

Since IIPM has chosen to go to court and there, get the DOT to ban an old post on this site that hardly seems ban-worthy. Since I have not been given the opportunity to defend myself, here is the post as it was in entirety. Note that some of the links don't work anymore,

More dirt. Seems IIPM ain't not ranked no more.
Kartik Kannan's post on August 8
and even better:
Photo by Kartik Kannan of the actual Outlook page (Edit: Reproduced here from the actual Outlook Web Site)

Abridged version: Outlook says IIPM is guilty of unethical practices and is misleading students. Also says IIPM falsifies data. So they Withdraw all rankings given to IIPM Forthwith.

Meaning, no rank for you, IIPM. Naaa-na-naa-na-naaa-naa.

I love myself when I'm in such a mood. I also love a good blogfight. Bring it on!

Update: CFore Suspended IIPM in 2003! (Full PDF available)

That was the post. Now for more interesting pieces on IIPM.
First, the fact that UGC has warned against IIPM is a PDF that IIPM has gotten banned. Here it is: